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发布者: [发表时间]:2023-05-29 [来源]: [浏览次数]:











2010.09—2014.06. 郑州大学物理工程学院 凝聚态物理 博士

2003.09—2006.07. 云南师范大学物理信息工程学院 天体物理 硕士

1999.09—2003.07. 河南师范大学物理信息工程学院 物理学 本科


2006.07—至今 平顶山学院电气与机械工程学院,物理学,教授





4. D-T中子引起IVB族同位素核反应激发曲线研究,编号:11575090,2020年4月,国家自然科学基金面上项目,结项


5. Cd掺杂的CdS/Si多界面纳米异质结光伏器件研究,编号:15A140012,河南省高等学校重点科研项目,结项(豫教科技(2018)0502号)




1. Yong Li, Fengqun Zhou, Yajuan Hao, Xiaoqiang Ma, Pengfei Ji, Xiaopeng Zhang, Shuqing Yuan,New cross section measurements on tungsten isotopes around 14 MeV neutrons and their excitation functions, Chinese Physics C 5, 054003 (2022)

2. Peng Fei Ji, Yong Li*, Peng Fei Li, Ya Juan. Hao, Yue Li Song, Feng Qun Zhou, Nano polycrystalline structured ZnSe synthesized by the hydrothermal elemental-direct-reaction method: Structures, Raman and photoluminescence properties, J. Lumin.250, 119087 (2022)

3.Peng Fei Ji, Peng Fei Li, Yong Li*, Hao Jie Du, Ya Juan Hao, Yue Li Song, Feng Qun Zhou, Structures and optical properties of CdSe nano flakes synthesized by an elemental direct reaction method, J. Cryst. Growth597, 126847 (2022).

4.Yong Li, Peng Fei Ji, Ya Juan Hao, Yue Li Song, Feng Qun Zhou, Shuqing Yuan, Exciton emissions of CdS nanowire array on Cd foil by the solvothermal method, Chin. Phys. B30, 016104 (2021).

5.Yong Li, Peng Fei Ji, Y.-L. Song, F.-Q. Zhou, H.-C. Huang, S.-Q. Yuan CdS/Si nanofilm heterojunctions based on amorphous silicon films: Fabrication, structures and electrical properties, Chin. Phys. B30, 026101 (2021).

6.Yong Li, Peng Fei Ji, Y. L. Song, F. Q. Zhou, S. Q. Yuan Investigation of photoluminescence mechanisms from porous polysilicon for optoelectronic devices, Opt. Mater. Express10, 2636-42 (2020).

7.Yong Li, Huihui Wang, Peng Fei Ji, Y. L. Song, F. Qun Zhou, S. Qing Yuan Effect of sulfur precursor concentration on the structures and optical properties of CdS nanowire array on Cd foil by solvothermal method, J. Cryst. Growth 552, 125939 (2020).

8.Peng Fei Ji, Yong Li, F. Q. Zhou, Y. L. Song, H. C. Huang Fabrication and electroluminescence of sheet-like ZnO/Si light-emitting diodes by radio frequency magnetron sputtering method, Materials Letters 262, 127028 (2020).

9. Yong Li, Yueli Song, Fengqun Zhou, Xinyi Chang, Xiaopeng Zhang, Mingli Tian, Shuqing Yuan,Cross section measurements on zirconium isotopes for ~14 MeV neutrons and their theoretical calculations of excitation functions, Chinese Physics C, 12, 124001 (2020)

10. Yong Li, Fengqun Zhou, Yueli Song, Xinyi Chang, Pengfei Ji, Xiaojun Sun, Guoqiang Li,Cross sections for (n,2n), (n,p), (n,a) and (n,n’) reactions on hafnium isotopes around the neutron energy of 14 MeV, New Journal of Physics, 22, 033044 (2020)

11.Yong Li, W. F. Jiang, Y. L. Song, Peng Fei Ji, F. Q. Zhou, M. L. Tian, H. C. Huang, D. S. Xi, J. P. Man Improvement and mechanisms of carriers transportation from the interfaces incorporated by cadmium nanocrystallites in the CdS/Si nanoheterojunctions, J. Alloys Comp. 741, 1153-7 (2018).

12.Yong Li, Peng Fei Ji, Y. L. Song, F. Q. Zhou, S. Q. Yuan, N. Wen, H. C. Huang Fabrication and electrical properties of (002)-oriented grown CdS/Si heterojunctions by radio frequency magnetron sputtering, Mater. Lett.228, 463-5 (2018).

13.Yong Li, T. J. Zhang, Y. L. Song, Peng Fei Ji, F. Q. Zhou, M. L. Tian, N. Wen, S. Q. Yuan Photoluminescence and electrical properties from CdO/Cd-nanocrystallites on Cd foil, Journal of Luminescence203, 396-400 (2018).

14.Yong Li, Y. L. Song, Peng Fei Ji, F. Q. Zhou White light emission with tuneable colour temperature and high colour rendering index from CdS/Si multi-interface nanoheterojunctions, Nanoscale9, 5922-6 (2017).



2.李勇,姬鹏飞,宋月丽,周丰群,田明丽,袁书卿.一种纳米CdS/Si异质结的制备方法, 专利号:ZL201910023858.2,2021年5月,国家知识产权局,发明专利,授权



